What Is KITAS?

Mar 20, 2024 | Relocation Solutions | 0 comments

Moving to Indonesia means dealing with paperwork and immigration services. There are several types of visa in Indonesia; such as Single Entry Visa, KITAS, KITAP, etc. KITAS is one of the most common types of visa that foreigners choose when working or relocating here. So, what is KITAS?

What is KITAS?

According to the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 27/2014, KITAS is defined as a document that is a permit that allows foreign nationals to stay or be in Indonesian territory for a certain or limited period of time.

Foreign Nationals (WNA) will be provided with a KITAS in the guise of an identity card for a temporary or short-term residence permit. This varies in length from 6 months, 1 year to 2 years. Similar to other license documents.

KITAS can be extended if the validity period has expired, but on condition that it fulfills the applicable general provisions. In the case of an extension, there is a validity period or a maximum period of 30 days provided that the residence permit is not more than 180 days and the KITAS extension is for 2 years.

The advantage for foreign nationals who have KITAS is that they no longer need to apply for a visa every month.

The Legal Basis of KITAS

The Indonesian regulation of KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) has been organized by the government by publishing several regulations, including:

  1. Law Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower (Manpower Law)
  2. Government Regulation No. 31 of 2013 on the implementing regulations of Law No.6 of 2011 on Immigration (Immigration Law)
  3. Regulation of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) No. 27 Year 2014
  4. Government Regulation No.26 Year 2016 on the Amendment of Government Regulation No.31 Year 2013 on the Implementation Regulation of Law No.6 Year 2011 on Immigration
  5. Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 16 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Granting Visas and Stay Permits to Foreign Workers
  6. Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 20/2018 on the Use of Foreign Workers
  7. Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 2018 Regarding Integrated Electronic Business Licensing Services.

Types Of KITAS

The Indonesian government has published KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) which is divided into 3 types, such as:

  1. Working Visa KITAS

This type is intended for foreigners with a limited stay permit, to be able to work according to their profession. Foreigners must have a sponsor or work permit issued by a company that is legally in their employ.

2. Spouse KITAS

Spouse KITAS is intended for Foreign Citizens (WNA) who have legally married to Indonesian Citizens (WNI) by attaching a proof of marriage book and official marriage certificate. This type of KITAS is only valid for 1 year and can be extended.

3. Investor KITAS

Investor KITAS is specifically intended for foreigners to fulfill the needs of investors who want to do business in Indonesia. With a KITAS, foreign investors can stay in Indonesia and obtain a permanent work permit.

4. Dependent VISA

The Dependent KITAS intended for foreigners holding IMTA and KITAS work visas who bring families or children under 18 years old.

What is The Requirements of KITAS?

  1. Working KITAS
  • Expat Documents:
  1. Passport with a minimum validity of eighteen (18) months for one (1) year stay permit.
  2. Diploma (minimum university)
  3. Reference letter / work experience with minimum 5 years experience.
  4. A picture with red background (4cm x 6cm)
  5. Full dose vaccine (2x) 
  • Company Documents:
  1. Deed of company establishment (Akta perusahaan)
  2. Deed of amendment (if any)
  3. Tax Registration Number (NPWP)
  4. Business Identification Number (NIB from OSS)
  5. Business License (from OSS)
  6. Location Permit (from OSS)
  7. Mandatory Employment Report (WLTK based on UU no.7)
  8. Letterhead with stamp, one (1) sheet
  9. Director’s ID Card (KTP) + Tax Registration Number (NPWP)
  10. Indonesian worker’s ID card (KTP) + photo of 1 employee (as a companion Indonesian worker) if the position is not a director
  11. Proof of having minimum balance of IDR 20.000.000 / USD 1.500 (company account / expat account)

2. Spouse KITAS

  • Indonesian Citizen Spouse Documents:
  1. Indonesian ID card (KTP)
  2. Family registered card (KK)
  3. Married certificate (Authorized by Indonesian government)
  4. Birth certificate
  5. Bank account proof of having at least IDR 21.000.000 for the last 3 months
  • Expat Documents: 
  1. Passport with a minimum validity of eighteen (18) months
  2. Full dose vaccine (2x)
  3. A picture with red background (3cm x 4cm)

3. Investor KITAS

  • Expat Documents:
  1. Passport with a minimum validity of :
  • Eighteen (18) months for a one (1) year stay permit.
  • Twenty four (24) months for two (2) years stay permit
  1. A picture with red background (4cm x 6cm)
  2. Full dose vaccine (2x)
  • Company Documents:
  1. Deed of company establishment (Akta Perusahaan)
  2. Deed of amendment (if any)
  3. Tax Registration Number (NPWP)
  4. Business Identification Number (NIB from OSS)
  5. Business License (from OSS)
  6. Location Permit (from OSS)
  7. Letterhead with stamp, one (1) sheet
  8. Indonesian ID Card (KTP) of Director / HRD
  9. Bank account with minimum balance IDR 20.000.000 / USD 1.500 (company account / expat account)

4. Dependent KITAS

  1. Copy / scan of the front page of passport
  2. Full dose vaccine (2x)
  3. A picture with red background (4cm x 6cm)
  4. Supporting evidence of family relationship (Birth Certificate / Married Certificate)

What is KITAS Submission Criteria?

The following are the criteria for people who want to apply for an Indonesian KITAS, including the following:

  1. Foreign Citizens (WNA) who enter Indonesia with a limited stay visa
  2. Children born in Indonesia to a father and/or mother who has a KITAS
  3. Foreigners (WNA) who benefit from a change in the status of a visiting residence permit
  4. Shipmasters, crew members, or other foreign professionals working on ships, which operate in waters under Indonesian jurisdiction based on the provisions of applicable laws
  5. Foreigners (WNA) who are legally married to an Indonesian citizen
  6. Children of foreigners and Indonesian citizens who are legally married.